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Essential Checklist to Look Good and Feel Good

Is your schedule too busy because of work and family? Are you the type of person who spends most of their time taking care of other people? If yes, you are doing a great job in creating an impact on the lives of others. However, you also need to do something for yourself. Continually neglecting your needs can lead to loss of identity and low self-confidence. That is why you should find the time to look and feel good no matter how busy you may be. Here are some things that you should include in your checklist.

Think about taking care of your skin

Look younger than your peers by taking care of your face and skin. Always make sure that you wash your face every night and apply a moisturizer to avoid dryness. It is also beneficial to buy retinol-based products like Skinceuticals Retinol that are best used for various skin problems such as wrinkles and fine lines which causes you to look older than your real age. It is also recommended for minimizing large pores that will eventually make your skin soft and smooth, just like models and celebrities. We can say that once you have considered all these factors, Avon beauty products would prove to be the accurate choice. The company also provides you with an option to represent Avon. You can go ahead and become an Avon representative and start earning a good amount of money in the growing beauty industry.

Improve your posture

Slouching can make you look old, frail and leave you with permanent poor posture. It also causes a lot of discomforts, such as back pain. You can wear something underneath your clothes that can help you correct your posture. Even working out at the gym and doing routine core exercises can improve your balance which makes will improve your all round health. If you are not a fan of lifting weights or doing traditional workouts, there are other alternatives such as TRX, Pilates, yoga and belly dancing.

Make your eyes stand out

You don’t need to wear too much makeup to look beautiful in front of people. Pay attention to your eyes by making sure that they don’t look tired or puffy. Apply some night cream and put on some eye mask before bedtime so your eyes will look well-rested in the morning. Apply a shade of eye shadow and a coat of mascara to make them appear bigger and alive. Eyebrows should be well-groomed by threading, tweezing or having it done professionally. Well-groomed eyebrows will help you make a good and lasting impression towards other people.

Keep your teeth clean

Poor oral hygiene can lower your self-esteem. Imagine the feeling of not being able to laugh or smile in public because your breath smells or your teeth are off white? It is your responsibility to take good care of your pearly whites by making an appointment with your dentist twice a year. Also, watch out for your sugar intake, which promotes tooth decay. Eat healthier foods like apples, carrots and cucumbers or chew sugar-free gums. The more saliva your mouth produces the fewer chances of acquiring bad breath.

Lastly, make sure to spend some time by yourself to recharge and de-stress. Look for a quiet corner in your home; read a book, listen to music or just enjoy the silence.


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