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A Quick Guide to Salon Booth Rental

There are more than 300,000 hairstylists and cosmetologists in the United States. And not all of them work in big salons.

No, there are plenty of independent stylists who opt instead to rent a booth and build a name for themselves in the beauty industry. If you’re interested in setting out on your own, here’s everything you need to know about leasing a chair and creating your own mini salon.

Prepare to Pay the Rent

If you work in a salon, your employer will provide you with a chair at no cost. So, you may never have had to think about how much a chair rental would cost in the past.

Ultimately, it depends on the contract you receive. The length of the contract and its location will affect price. So, longer contracts usually lower rent, while salons in great locations with lots of foot traffic will ask for more each month.

On that note, the city that you live in will affect the price, too. A salon chair rental can cost as much as $1,000 each month in Manhattan, for example. But a salon booth rent near you could cost between $400 to $150, if you’re in a smaller city or town.

You’ll Need Supplies, Too

Your new beauty industry landlord will probably provide you with the basics for your salon booth. So, it might come with a chair and mirror, as well as a sink for hair-washing. Beyond that, though, you’ll be responsible for filling the salon with the tools and supplies you need.

If you don’t have them already, you’ll have to invest in the hot styling tools that you will need each day. After that, calculate how much shampoo, conditioner and other styling products you will need. You can keep a running tab to help yourself figure out how much the upfront costs will be of renting a salon booth.

Make Marketing Your Biggest Focus

The best way to make a success of your new salon booth is to have a client base already. Most people who successfully make the leap into an independent salon will have worked in a bigger salon already. Then, they leave to work on their own — and take their client list with them.

If you have lots of devoted clients, that’s a great start for your new business. But be sure to do lots of marketing before you cut the proverbial ribbon on your new salon.

Check with the place where you’ve rented a salon booth to see if they provide any kind of marketing, too. Some will advertise you and your services in-house, which could make it even more enticing to rent with them.

Make the Most of Your Beauty Industry Insight

Now that you know the most important steps in renting a salon booth, it’s time to enter the beauty industry with confidence. You’re a great stylist — now it’s time to show it off in your own independent salon.

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