Movement is the basis for the harmonious development of a child. Nothing should interfere with his movement, feel comfortable during active games, sleep and rest. This must be taken into account when choosing children’s clothing.
Not only the physical development of the baby depends on it, but also his attitude to the world. The color, design and decoration of clothing should match his preferences, help show his personality and stand out from his peers. You will learn how to choose the right children’s clothes and what parameters to focus on in this article.
When sewing children’s clothing, mainly natural materials are used- cotton, linen, knitwear, silk, viscose. However, sometimes it is sewn from synthetic materials, the coarse fibers of which irritate delicate skin and cause inconvenience to the child.
Therefore, before choosing cheap kids clothes, you need to study the information about the composition, which is usually indicated on the label or in the description of the model.
Clothes for girls and boys can be sewn from mixed materials, but the percentage of synthetics should be minimal. For example, if the fabric contains up to 5% elastane, this will make it more durable.
In winter, it is advisable to choose fleece clothing as an intermediate layer, which quickly removes moisture and prevents the skin from cooling. In summer, the child should wear clothes made of cotton, linen and other natural materials that support air exchange and do not cause irritation.
For most parents, there are only two palettes in which children’s clothes are designed – blue and pink. In fact, the color range of children’s clothes is deep and multifaceted. This allows you to select things based on the preferences of a particular child.
Most often, when sewing children’s clothing, manufacturers use the following palettes:
Monochrome. On the basis of monochromatic things, you can create universal kits that will be appropriate at school, kindergarten or on a walk.
Neutral. Neutral garments can also serve as a base for your everyday wardrobe. In addition, if the child is hyperactive, they will calm his nervous system.
Variegated. Every child will appreciate a thing decorated with a printed pattern or a bright print and mommy and me matching outfits. It can be used as an accent piece in combination with solid and neutral models. This will allow the little one to stand out and show their individuality.
Ideally, a child’s wardrobe should contain clothes decorated in different colors and prints. So he will be able to independently choose a kit suitable for kindergarten, school or a walk with friends.
In order for the cheap kids clothes to bring only comfort to the child, parents need to take into account different nuances when choosing them. Among them:
Safety. The item should be made from environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials that will not irritate baby’s skin.
Cut quality. The thing should provide an optimal microclimate, allow the skin to breathe, and not restrain the child in movement. It should have a minimum of strings, nets, chains and bows.
Wear resistance. Clothing must be able to withstand constant drops, soiling of varying degrees of difficulty and the numerous washings that follow.
Taking these parameters into account, you can choose mommy and me matching outfits that will fit the figure correctly, provide the child with freedom of movement and comfort. It will be easy to care for, maintaining its original shape and color.
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