Incredibly popular full body massage is one of the most pleasant and useful procedures. If the procedure is erotic, it becomes even more pleasant and satisfying. In SweetTouch you can try an amazing erotic procedure that also has numerous beneficial effects on your health.
With a properly executed technique, it has a beneficial effect on organs and tissues of the body, helps to cure some diseases, and get rid of some cosmetic problems. Full body massage is often prescribed by doctors if there is a need for a person to relax and get rid of stress.
Full-body massage: what is it?
The procedure is affecting the body using various special techniques – pressure, rubbing, gliding, thanks to which there is a powerful effect on the skin, and tissues of the body. Classic massage is always performed by hands only. At the end of an erotic procedure, a beautiful masseuse uses her hands to help a man reach the highest point of satisfaction.
A distinctive feature is caressing all parts of the male body (if there are no contraindications, of course).
Indications and contraindications
If you are experiencing some of the following, an erotic full body massage is just what the doctor ordered. The most common indications are the following:
● headaches of a permanent or periodic nature;
● depression, stress;
● disorders of the digestive tract;
● muscle pain;
● insomnia;
● rehabilitation after injuries and fractures.
As for contraindications, those are the following:
● acute fever conditions and high temperature;
● bleeding;
● blood diseases;
● purulent processes of any localization;
● various diseases of the skin, nails, hair.
Full body massage pluses
The procedure is considered one of the most useful and effective procedures for both normalizing health and improving mood. Firstly, with the help of this magical procedure, the muscle corset is contracted and relaxed, due to which it becomes more resilient and elastic, excess lactic acid is eliminated (lactic acid often causes a pain symptom after severe physical exertion). This procedure makes muscles stronger, which is especially useful after injuries of various nature. It is the effect on the muscles that bring a relaxing effect, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.
Secondly, full body erotic massage significantly improves blood circulation, helps to remove toxins from the body. Thanks to this, the tissues and organs of the body receive more nutrition and oxygen, which positively affects both the well-being and the state of the skin.
Thus, improving blood circulation often eliminates the strongest headaches and normalizes pressure, makes the skin more resilient and tightened.
Besides, a full course of procedures helps to remove excess fluid from the body, due to which swelling takes place. So, body contours are improved. Full body massage prevents the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and helps eliminate them, contributes to weight loss, normalizes the nervous system and metabolism, relieves mental tension, and even contributes to increased immunity. During the session (especially speaking about erotic procedures) a large amount of the hormone endorphin is also produced, so the procedure also brings joy and satisfaction to a man.
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