Hosting a conference for your company or for anyone else involves finding a great location that works for everyone involved. Every conference starts with a fresh idea, once this has been formularised, you can then go about setting goals for the event. One of the most important objectives you have to meet is securing the right location. Here are some tips to remember when looking for a conference venue.
Starting Your Search
When should you start looking for a venue? This all depends on when the event is going ahead and how many people you plan on inviting. There is no one size fits all when it comes to timing, it all depends on a number of factors.
For example, if you expect to find luxury accommodation with top class conference facilities during peak season in Auckland, you’ll need to book everything several months in advance. If you are thinking about a quiet location for your next conference or team building project, why not have a look at
The golden rule is to start looking for a venue the moment you think something may come up. The more time you have, the better equipped you’ll be to find the right venue.
Here are some essential aspects to look for when you narrow down the list of potential settings.
Nobody wants to go to a venue which is incredibly difficult to reach and has zero public transport options or private cars. You should always check to see if your venue is in reach of your conference attendees. If it isn’t, there is no point in booking the venue, no matter how good it looks.
If you plan on holding the conference for more than one day, you should look for a property which offers comfortable accommodation and excellent amenities.
As mentioned, finding a property which also has accommodation on-site or a hotel nearby is a big advantage. If some of your guests are travelling a good distance to be there, they may want to rest up and stay the night after the conference has finished. Killing two birds with one stone would be finding an excellent venue with conference facilities that also has first-class lodgings.
Many places offer conference services, but don’t actually have the right technology and facilities to provide everything you need. When choosing a venue, check to see what is available at the venue. Is the conference room big enough for what you need? Do they have the right tech in place to support your project? These are all important questions you need to ask before securing a venue. In addition to the points mentioned above, the cost of the place will be an important factor.
You should use your own unique framework when selecting a venue for your conference. You need to make sure there is an alignment between your needs and what you have down on your list. When sourcing the right place, think about all of the points mentioned above and consider other areas such as staff and catering services.
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